Jan 29, 2016

5 Habits Mentally Tough People Embrace Every Day

5 Habits Mentally Tough People Embrace Every Day By Jessica Stillman of Inc. Grit, science says, is more important than innate ability when it comes to achieving success. Maybe that’s why a post I wrote back in October listing psychotherapist Amy Morin’s habits to break if you want to be exceptionally mentally tough seemed to strike a chord with so many readers. A follow-up piece with advice from Morin on how to tell if you have above average levels of grit was equally popular. Mental toughness, it seems, is something nearly everyone would like to have—and which many of us think we could benefit from working on. So if you’ve tested your own level of resilience to see where you stand, and kicked the bad habits that Morin called out in her first piece, what’s the next step to pumping up your mental toughness? According to the latest bit of advice from Morin, it’s adding good habits to your routine. What behaviors should you engage in every day for greater grit? Morin listed nine when she spoke with Business Insider on the topic. Check out the complete post for the deep dive, or read on for a handful of her suggested habits to get you started. 1. Monitor Your Emotions 2. Practice Self-Compassion 3. Be Realistically Optimistic 4. Set Healthy Boundaries 5. Accept Responsibility